Hunky Dory


Meals & Goods

Meal Prep

Single Serving meals ready to heat and eat, family style meals serving 4 to 8 people and sourdough options.

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Our catering is customizable to your events needs, from brunches to dinners, we can provide delicious sourdough products to savory barbeque.

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Hand made homestead goods for your home and kitchen.

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Little About Us

The history of us

Our life is surrounded by cooking for our dearest friends and family. We want the opportunity to extend our traditions and meals to you by offering readily available, healthy meal preparation options with amazing fresh ingredients! We are excited to offer our passion for cooking and community onto you!

Weekly Deals

How to get to us


We open ordering each week from Thursday morning to Fridays @ 8PM. We shop Saturday and cook Sunday. We deliver to you on Monday morning or pick up at convenience Sunday evening or during the week.